Some say I have a short attention span, but... hey a miniskirt!

Friday, March 22, 2013

ATZ and me

So I got my hands on All Things Zombie - Final Fade Out these days. First of all because I like Zombies, and second because it's a game you can play alone. This may seem a little sad and weird but since I have no one around that is willing to play with me I have no choice to get my fix in any other way.
No pity needed I'm fine with that.
I'm half way through the book and it's pretty aweseome so far. Very different from what I have played in the past but in a good refreshing way. The thing I like probably the best are the many tables to roll on. I like rolling on tables. Randomness for the win!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Old School Day: Realm of Chaos - Slaves to Darkness

Since I read a lot about OldHammer during the last weeks over at Orlyggs "Realm fo Chaos 80s" and got pretty much kicked by all the old school stuff I decided it's time for another Old school day and feature some small impressions of the first RoC books "Slaves to Darkness". It includes the Chaos Gods Khorne and Slaanesh and was a fantastic random way to generate your Chaos Champion and his warband. I love every detail about the book and the initial thoughts behind the loooong tables you have to roll. Unfortunately this was way before my time in gaming so I never played with these rules. But as I also love the old models I have several of those too and decided to finally paint some of those up. But that will be seen in another thread. For now have some fun with sweet nostalgia rules, artwork and paintjobs. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.