Some say I have a short attention span, but... oh look a street sign!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Dark Elves

Hello again,
it's been a little about a year since I postet something here. What can I say? My family keeps me busy. We moved into a bigger flat and my mancave shrinked even more and is now in the cellar. Nevertheless I managed to get some projects started like a gaming board, several GW scenery sets and a Warband for some Mordheim/Realm of Chaos games. (We use the Mordheim core rules with some minor tweaks and some self written Warband Books based on the RoC books and several other old Warhammer books) These three Dark Elves had to be done for my Warband since I rolled them and had none to date. I know they're not Oldhammer but I don't have any Oldhammer Dark Elves so they have to do the trick.

The Warband consists of a Beastman Champion of Khorne, four Khorngors and the three Dark Elves above. Not too shabby for the start. my buddy does a Saurus Warband which consists of a Saurus Champion, six Saurus Warriors and three Pygmi Warriors. It will be great fun slaying those foolish Lizards in the name of the Bloodgod.

Stay tuned as I will be posting more scenery stuff soon.


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