Some say I have a short attention span, but... hey a miniskirt!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More stuff to do

To get some more stuff done I needed to order me some Primer spray and because it is not possible to order only the things you need I bought some more stuff.

The crackle paint was a must because I always wanted to try that after I've seen some tutorials on various Blogs. (Massive Voodoo for example) I'll share my results as soon as I have some.
I also ordered some more beds for my Silent Hill table project and some toilets.
The naked lady miniature in the middle is for my next bigger Silent Hill Monster project and the Helldorado model was just too awesome to not buy it. It's kind of a mixture between "The Thing" and the Lying Figures from Silent Hill.

That's it for now. Cheers.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Living Houses pt.1.4

Hey dudes we had some sunshine this morning and I took the chance to make some pics.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

So today I turned 31... and I feel it. I can't just party all night and welcome the family for cake the next day. But nevertheless they are coming today so I got to get me at least a little sober... or not.

From the Hobby front I can tell you just a little teaser. I decided that it's time again for a little roleplay and found some friends that want to join the group. And since I finally watched "The Walking Dead" series we're doing a Zombie apocalypse based on the Warhammer roleplay. I think this might work just great. I already made the special rules and stuff and we're getting started in the next two weeks when I finished the adventure.

Enough chat for today, it's time for cake.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lickers done

...finally. I'm happy with the bases and how they turned out. So here they are in all their glory, ready for some killing.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Distraction of the Day - I am Batman!

I bought Batman: Arkham City yesterday and just started playing it. I have to say: It's awesome.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lickers pt.3

I found some time to do some painting. After some thinking I had to agree with Andys respond on my last post and dropped the idea of adding some dingelings (kinda like that word). So here they are finished.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another Milestone and a cry for help

So it's time for an update and for post number 100!! Another small milestone.

Again I thank all of you passers by and especially Andy and Fran. No drinks today, had too much of them last night. SWMBO even drew stuff on my feet while I was sleeping and I didn't notice anything. But now on with some news about modeling.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Distraction of the Day - Girls Girls Girls

Like I told in my last post I've seen a lot of pretty girls at the erotic fair. So here are some pictures that I can share without showing too explicit stuff (if you know what I mean).

In my opinion this was the prettiest girl on the fair and she wasn't one of the actresses but just spreading leaflets.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Aye Mateys!

Have been a lot of things going on in the past weeks. They weren't all good.
It startet right after my post of playing Space Marine. As I finished the game and wasn't able to play the Multiplayer mode I got back to playing Fallout 3. I never finished that game and started completely new.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Distraction of the Day - Space Marine

I bought the Space Marine game for my PS3. Who would have thought that?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10.000 Visitors

I want to thank all of those who come by from time to time to check out my stuff. I'll have a drink on you.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lickers pt.2

My thumbs are healed and I had some time to make progress one the Lickers. I filled gaps with GS, basecoated them black and gave them a coat of GW Red Gore. Some may ask now "Why is he converting Bloodletters to monsters that don't are Bloodletters but then paints them red, just as Bloodletters?"
The answer is quite easy. I want to paint them in a skin tone and while most tutorials for painting flesh use a first coat of brown I use a first coat of red. It's because I take nature for reference and below our skin there is blood and flesh that is red and not brown. I used this technique already on the Pendulums, Urien Rakarth and Burned Alessa and I was all pleased with the results .

Friday, September 2, 2011

Old School Day

Today I read this article over at Santa Cruz Warhammer and liked it so much that I decided to copy the idea and show off my old school stuff to indulge in the long gone good times.
First I have to say that I wasn't playing Warhammer from the first day and got all my Rogue Trader era stuff from ebay.
And so today I start with the Rogue Trader Rulebook back from 1990.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears

The Tears:
My three week holiday is over and I'm back at work. And because it is not enough that my desk got magically filled with work over this time I just realized that SWMBO tricked me. We have been four times shopping (two times to ikea and two for clothes) but I did not have a single hobby day!

The Sweat:
We had pretty hot temperatures around here the last few days. The good weather was perfect during my holidays but I didn't spend the amount of time outside that I wished because I had to take a shower every five hours or such to cool down and get rid of the sweaty smell. Fortunately it got colder last weekend. Actually it got that cold that I changed back from shorts and shirt to jeans and sweater.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cabin Fever

No I don't mean the movie. Although it's pretty cool too. I finished the driver cabin of the Dreadknight with a lot of bits, cutting and bleeding. I also finally found the perfect pre-setting for my camera and all the close up pics are pretty clear now.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dreadknight continues

So I've done some small progress on my Dreadknight besides playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I've been as lazy as a man can be

I've done nearly nothing in the past four weeks except for basecoating the first few Zombies. I mainly was relaxing and enjoying the weather. I finished reading Fatherland by Robert Harris. The Book was a great read and I only can recommend it. I've also finished Assassins Creed 2, is my first game which I have completed with 100% trophies.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Paint or Pay!

Some weeks ago my friends and I noticed that we got more and more lazy through the years. We're playing the same models over and over again and we just can't stand them anymore.

What's the problem with the existing models?
It's not because the models are ugly or painted horribly, it's just because we got so used to them that we don't look at them at the same way that we did when we fielded them the first time. It's similar to a movie that you see for the first time and are completely keen about, then you buy the blue ray or DVD and watch it again still keen about, then you watch it the third, fourth, fitfth... time until the day you stand in front of your movie rack for picking a movie that you want to watch because there's nothing on TV and say "Great movie but I've seen it this many times".
I hope you get my point.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Zombies unleashed

I been very lazy the last two weeks and did nearly nothing model related except of gaming. The Zombies are still laying at the same place like last week and Bob is still in his Blister. I blame Ezio Auditore da Firenze. To give you something to look at during my period of laziness I have a picture that we took during one of our last games.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Distraction of the Day - Horror Creed

It's a week since the last distraction and today it's a very similar thing than last week. I didn't do any Hobby related yesterday because I spontaneously joined my brother at going to the Misfits concert here around.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Zombies on sticks

Between finishing God of War 3 and starting Dead Space 2 I did the first steps on the Zombie makeover. Can't believe I really keep on track.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rusty Rudekiller

All of you who thought I would spend all time on the PS3 with my new games: In your face!
I finished another model. This is Rusty.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Butcher of Bitches is here!

I´m Bob, the demonic spawn known as Butcher of Bitches. I was one of the first of the Kult of the Morticians who walked this earth and I am the war leader of the Butchered Zombies.
My demon form must nourish itself on the blood of maimed and violated virgins and I travel from town to town to dismember folks with my favourite tool: the chainsaw!

A Few days ago I bought this awesome Model from my friend Thomas from the Death Metal Band Debauchery.
He released it as a limited collectors edition feature for fans and crazy weirdos. Each model comes with an additional Miniposter with background story (above) and numbered as it's limited to 100 pieces.
This is the advertising picture:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Distraction of the Day - Dead God of Space War

A few weeks ago Amazon had a special offer: 3 games for the prize of 50€... as usual I couldn't resist and ordered Assassins Creed 2 Platinum, God of War 3 Platinum and Dead Space 2.
As you can see Dead Space 2 and God of War 3 arrived today... bad timing, because tomorrow is the release date for Duke Nukem Forever. Also Alice: Madness Returns is released next week. So many good games to go, so less time... *sigh*

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Message to Games Workshop

Now Finecast tries to destroy the Metal, but the Metal will survive...

Yes I know it's an abstract context but still find it funny... and great music.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

El autobus es rojo!

Hola y chicas y chicos!
I had my annual staff appraisal these days. Nothing bad about it but I was still a little drunk from the regular meeting with my pals we have each week. It's like a thirsty thursday but on monday.
During this staff appraisal I was asked what my opinion is about further training and stuff. I said I'm not really excited about going back to school again but I toy with the idea of learning spanish. I still have no idea why I came up with this idea.
So now I'm doing a spanish class paid by my company.
It didn't start yet but I already learned some stuff which is very useful (more or less)

Lárgate! (Get along!)
Tengo diarrea (I have diarrhea)
and my favourite
El autobus es rojo (The bus is red)

Oh did I mention that I don't need spanish for my work?

I know this has nothing to do with modeling but I just wanted to tell you this odd little story.
Maybe it gives you a similar smile like the one I still get when thinking about this.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Todbringer finished

So I finished them faster as I thought. There must be something wrong with me...

Thursday, May 26, 2011


So I made these guys as an kill team for a game that I'm going to play this evening. Unfortunately they are far away from completion but they are in a playable stadium....more or less. Just hadn't enough time to get them done completely.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let's get personal

Some time ago Brian over at A Gentleman's Ones talked about pseudonyms and how silly they are if you introduce yourself in real life with them. I really thought about that for a while and I came to the result that he is absolutely right.
I choose "Freakazoid" a long time ago when I started my career as an online personality within several chat rooms and stuff (yes I was very young) and the pseudonym just remained over the years. In my case it's a little different to Brian as I'll probably never meet any of you in real life because most of you life too far away.
I'm just way too old now for being Freakazoid. It was a fun series when I was a kid but those days are gone and I don't need to hide behind such an pseudonym anymore. I'm also no blue skinned guy wearing a pyjamas.

So my name is Oli and I am lazy and distracted. Pleased to meet you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On the road again

Wow this is Post No. 75. For some of you out there this is a tenth of your followers but for me this is a massive waypoint. Let's see if I get the 100...
Managed to get the Road tiles glued together. Down time of Blogger gave me some more time for the hobby and to enjoy the weather outside.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


After I finally received the Sentinel parts I bought on ebay I started building my Dreadknight conversion. Had this in mind since I've seen the model. Never liked the Terminator hanging in front of this warmachine. Morgrim over at 23lines already did the same with his Dreadknight and prove it looks ace.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Manhole covers and Blog styling

I made these just do detail my road tiles a little. They are made of spare plastcard pieces that are leftovers from a movement tray I built some time ago. Fortunately I didn't throw them away so now they make quite good manhole covers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cardboard Cutting

I had to cut a lot of cardboard for the next step onto finishing the Appartement building. Not only for the stairs...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blue Creek Appartement pt.1.1 - The First Floor

Here's how far I am with the Blue Creek Appartement. It differs a little from the original in the games, mainly the stairwells and the entry halls but that's about it. Tried to build all Appartements just like in the game what is kind of difficult as you only see about two or three rooms of the Building but I think I can go with that. Here is the view from the top.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Silent Hill Burger pt.1.2 - Status

The Burger ist the last of the small buildings. So all small buildings have the same status and as soon as the MDF arrives they will reach the next step with pimping the base and then getting some structure sauce and paint. Until the delivery arrives I'll finish the first floor of the Blue Creek Appartement building which is going to be quite huge.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Grocery pt.1 - Status

Not much for today, just a pic of the Grocery Store and how it looks like right now. The only thing I asked myself after finishing the interior was "Where the hell is the storage room?" but I guess this is a organic grocery store and they are only selling fresh stuff. Phew! Fluff gap closed.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Distraction of the day - BBQ and Beer

We have sunny 25°C and what else could you do but having a BBQ and some beer? Finally summer came and I love it. Can't wait for some BBQ and Wargaming day outside. So excuse me some meat and beer is waiting for me. Cheers!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Massive Killing Capacity - Some more chainsaw loving

I was quite busy in the last few days. Besides working ont he Silent Hill gaming board I painted this guy. The basic model is a Cynwall Nova Construct from Rackham, the head is from a Tyranid Gaunt, the Machineguns are from the Imperial Guard vehicle sprues and the Chainsaw is built from several 40K Chainswords.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Living Houses pt.1.3 - Status

These are the four Living Houses for the first half of the gaming board. There are two more to go for the second half but those are on hold until the first half is finished. All floors are already detailed, what was quite a pain with all those little cardboard pieces, and the green areas are gras mats that shall look like carpet if they are painted once.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Damned Roads

... and I mean it! Why? Well, it seemed all so easy and building them wasn't taking much time. They are basically two bars of foamcore covered with cardboard pieces as sidewalk glued onto a base of cardboard. Like I said simple yet effective. But then I painted them with my structure sauce and the troubles began. The carboard started warping during drying and it was impossible to attach them to each other. It was horrible. I didn't want to throw them away and so I putted them away and decided to wait until I get an idea of fixing this mess. This is what they looked like after they warped.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I promised to take you there again someday but I never did ...until now

Yes I know I'm nerdy quoting Mary's letter to James from Silent Hill 2 but hey I love that game. After finishing my bunker board I now have some new skills and techniques so I can go on with my Silent Hill gaming board. I started this a looooong time ago, I think it was in 2008 and I got as usually lazy and as there showed up some technical problems later I just took everythink and stored in a box out of sight. But I never gave up this project and worked on smaller pieces of it. Like the models and this city sign.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bunker Board Project pt.3.5 - last steps

I had a painting high yesterday and so I finished the remaining Bunker Board tiles in about 2 hours. This is great because now I am finished but it's also unhappy as I wanted to make some tutorial... But now it's too late to change and I am happy that I finished them. They look great and now I have time to get back to my Silent Hill Game board and finish this up. But for now some pics of the Bunker tiles with a little explanation.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Burned Alessa pt.2.2 - finished!

It was a long hard road but I finally got this model finished. I like it a lot and look forward to field it with all the other Silent Hill monsters. So without further blabla here are the pics...


Friday, March 18, 2011

Urien Rakarth - why no chainsaw?

So finally I got my birthday present painted that had been laying around for about 4 months. I like the new model of Urien Rakarth a lot (except he has no chainsaw) and kept my rust/flesh painting scheme like on the other two models I painted lately to make them look fitting together. Already used the him in his first battle yesterday and well... he died early and not as spectacular as I wished but he looked awesome for the time he was on the table.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I hope you know I pack a chainsaw...

I'll skin your ass raw. And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break your fuckin' face tonight.
With this being said I wanna present you today my hooded chainsaw dismember maniac. He likes chainsaws... who doesn't?!

Monday, February 28, 2011


I got sick of using the same models over and over again and so I painted this old Warzone "Nepharite of Demnogonis" to get a new Mini onto the gaming table. There are also three more on the painting table but I will show them later.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bunker Board Project pt.3.4 - step-by-step

Since today is good weather and the sun is shining I took the chance and made some pics of the next step on doing the boards... okay it's the next 3 steps but it was always dark when I got home so I couldn't make any good pictures but also wanted to get further in finishing these.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Structure Sauce

A few days ago there was a question on a forum where somebody asked how to make sure that sand doesn't drop off your terrain and so I wanna show today how I make my structure sauce for terrain parts. It's a very solid mixture and till now all terrain parts I did didn't loose even a single grain of sand.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bunker Board Project pt.3.3 - step-by-step

So here's the next part as promised. Gonna show you the seven tiles today and what I did on them.

So this is the one I showed how to make the walls. I added some wooden stems. Would also perfectly work as trench...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Distraction of the day - The Force is strong...

As it is now surprising that i got distracted again I decided to start this new topic where I present my latest distraction. And today it's "The Force Unleashed II".